Thursday 4 March 2010


We started filming for our project by trying to film each scene in sequence order as this would ensure that none we missed out and that they would all be easier to locate when uploading them onto the editing software.

To stick to this plan we firstly filmed the bullying scenes. We gathered all of our actors and told them of the scene and what would be taking place in the corridor. At this point we realised that the actor that we had down as the victim (Simon) was not available and so we had tp recast another male to play this vital role. Once all of the actors were in place and the corridor empty we filmed one shot of the scene, which was very successful and we managed to capture the shot in the first take to our satisfaction.

From this we decided to take advantage of the snowy weather and add another element to the bullying scene by having the actor playing the role of Simon be the victim of a snow ball attack, which was him getting pelted with snow balls by a group of bullies. We captured this from 3 differant angles and at differant shot types to allow us the freedom to change the scene and chop it up using it in differant places wihtin the final

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