Thursday 4 March 2010

Characters for chosen production

Suidcide Victim- Simon Simon is a very geeky charcter. He wears glasses, dresses smartly all of the time, and always has a book in his hand. He is very smart, achieving top of the class in all exams that are taken, he enjoys playing world of wardcraft and blogging about how he feels on his internet blog site. He is the victim of very serious bullying at school and becuase of this suffers from a very string bout of depresssion, leading to him having theropy reguarly. During this theropy he is advised to blog about his feelings online allowing his bullies to see how they are making him feel. He also has a secret friendship with the most popular boy in the school Kieran and he tutors him on a regular basis.

Killer- Kieran Kieran is the most popular boy in the school. He is rich, good looking, sporty, well dressed and secretly very smart. He enjoys attending house parties, going out with multiple girls, appears to be very shallow and cocky but he is secretly very sensitive, enjoys reading novels, recieves tutoring and is Simon's only true friend.

Naomi- Kieran's Ex- Girlfriend (1st female victim)Naomi is a very good looking girl, well dressed, popular and the richest person in the school. She is well dressed, obsessed with boys, best friends with Becky, likes parties, clothes, money and her hobbies are social networking being shallow and coming across as very cocky.

Becky- Naomi's Best Friend Becky is and average looking girl, well dressed, very quite and always comes 2nd to Naomi in their friendship. Well of financially, popular, likes clothes, books, parties and secretly always fancied Kieran. Her hobbies are social networking and being friends with Naomi.

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