Thursday 4 March 2010


The last part of editing was to add the audio soundtrack that would run throughout the bullying scenes as non diegetic sound. We experimented with sounds from the final cut pro editing software that we are using and then also looked for songs from horror films that were already ade such as Scream and thriller films such as Twilight before deciding on the final track and adding this to the sequence. We then edited this to make it fit in with the quick pace of sequence and also the codes and conventions of the genre.

Filming 4

The final filming session that we did was simply re filming the scripted scenes with Naomi and Becky on the computer and thier killings which we felt were not correct for the horror genre and did not incorporate the codes and conventions for the genre with the lighting.

So when re filming we ensured that all of the scenes were continues in the lighting used and that this lighting was appropriate to the horro genre. This meant that all lighting had to be dim and fitting with the scene but also allow for the characters faces to be easily seen and differenciated between which actor was Becky and which one was Naomi. In order to keep the continuity of the piece we ensured that they were always sitting in the same seats and that they did not change seats within the sequence.

Once these scenes were completed we were now finished with the filming section of the project.

Once all of these scenes had been recorded we then batched them onto the computer and began editing them into the correct order after the bullying scenes and also the credits of the film.

We firstly put them into order and cut them down into the correct time frame, we then added the correct effects and decided if they were in the correct order. Once the whole sequence was completed we added the credits by firstly stating the directors and producers and then the characters in order of apperance. The last shot we used for the title of the film and we made this the focal point of the sot by having a black abckground and red writting as the genre is horror and this colour is assosiated with murder. The screams from the last frame of Becky being dragged by the killer will then continue into this scene to add to the title.

Filming 3

For our third batch of filming we were simply capturing Simon on the ground crying and in pain from the earlier bullying that he had faced. We had the actor lie down on the floor and cry. We would then edit these scenes into short chopped up shots of the after effects of the bullying that he had endured. During this filming shoot we also filmed Simon being slammed against a wall with the camera concentrating on his face and the saddness that he felt from this act of bullying.

We then continued this fiming by re shooting the footage that we had done at my house earlier which we felt needed to be improved and changes that needed to be made in order for it to look better on the film in the editing process. During this we had the killer do his storyboarded scenes and also some extra scenes whcih could again be used and a link between one scene and the next. These were simple close up, zoom out to medium close up of his face within the mask.

We also filmed Dans conversations with the Naomi and Becky on the webcam and the images that he would be able to see when talking to them. From these we could then edit them to make the sequence very effective and fitting with the horror film codes and conventions.

Filming 2

The next scenes that we planned to film were the scripted conversations between the 2 females (Naomi and Becky) and the 2nd male (Dan) on the webcam, which eventually leads to them getting killed.

For this we used the location of my house and computer. Over the weekend we took home the nessersary equipment and started filming the scenes. They were all successful but the lighting that we used was not fitting for the horror film codes and conventions, they were too bright and well lighted. We needed them to be darker and more spooky for them to be fitting with the genre and effective. Due to this we refilmed these scenes.

We added in a match on action to the sequence and so it was very important that we filmed this correctly in order for it to work when edited and be recognised by the viewing audience. As the killer was not there for the filming of these scenes we improvised for the killing of Becky by simply putting on the killers costume of a big black coat and leather gloves and carrying on with the killing scene. We were able to do this effectivly because the scene did not consist of the killer being very visable to the audience and so it was done successfully.
Next we batched all of the recorded scenes onto the computer and started to edit them into the way that we wanted them to look. We did this by adding effects which would make the bullying scenes appropriate and also effective to the audience and the film sequence.


We started filming for our project by trying to film each scene in sequence order as this would ensure that none we missed out and that they would all be easier to locate when uploading them onto the editing software.

To stick to this plan we firstly filmed the bullying scenes. We gathered all of our actors and told them of the scene and what would be taking place in the corridor. At this point we realised that the actor that we had down as the victim (Simon) was not available and so we had tp recast another male to play this vital role. Once all of the actors were in place and the corridor empty we filmed one shot of the scene, which was very successful and we managed to capture the shot in the first take to our satisfaction.

From this we decided to take advantage of the snowy weather and add another element to the bullying scene by having the actor playing the role of Simon be the victim of a snow ball attack, which was him getting pelted with snow balls by a group of bullies. We captured this from 3 differant angles and at differant shot types to allow us the freedom to change the scene and chop it up using it in differant places wihtin the final


The locations that we are going to use for the opening of the film are going to be my dining room which as two doors and a computer in it, as we need all of these elements for our actions scenes to work.

The second location that we will use is my kitchen as this again has two doors and leads to the dining room. This is perfect for the final shots of the killer sneeking up upon the two female characters.

For the bullying scenes we will use the college classrooms and corridoors as these look like the school that these scenes are based in.
For the scenes of Simon setting up his suicide we are going to be filming them in a males bedroom as it is not particular where this has to be filmed.

Outline of openning scene

The main credits of the film will appear on the screen in white font on a black background. They will be typed on a computer, to open up the sequence with the computer theme of the killings in the film.

The next next shot of the film will be a medium close up of a computers webcam, which wil then zoom into an extreme close up of the webcams lense, as though the viewer is looking at the person watching the video. This again adds to the webcam and computer theme of the film.
The killers masked face will then appear on the screen, as it wil shock the viewer and also intorduce the main character of the film.

From this point the next 4 shots are qucik snappy and sharpe images of webcam images, mobile phone and a person horrified reaction to something that they have just seen.

Following these images will be photos that are going to be one by one placed on a table as though someone is looking at them from the cameras point of view. They will all have one male in them and this will be Simon, they will all be differant showing him and his interests such as computers, and school studies. This introduces the second most important character in the film and the fact that he is missed and being thought about by someone.

The next 5 shots will be flashbacks of actions that took place in Simons life and are very important to the film. Him being bullied in school,him being sad and affected by this and finally him starting the process of hanging himself and finally his gravestone with the screen fading to black. These shots will be telling the audience the background story of Simons death and the fact that his death is very important for the storyline and what is going to happen.

The diegetic sound of the typing of a keyboard can then be heard with the image of fingers typing, the camera then tilts up to show the computer screen typing the remiang credits of the film that were not shown earlier on.

The following shots will all be the action that will take place in the first shots of action in the film.
Two females will be seen sitting at a computer desk typing on msn and also on webcam being watched by a male friend that was seen earlier on in the film when Simon was being bullied in the coridoor at school.

Some scripted conversation can then be heard between the three characters talking.
The audience and the male can then see the killer enter the room behind the two girls but when asked who else is in the house they reply by saying no-one except them.

Naomi then asks Becky to go into the kitchen to get her a drink. The camera does and match on acton as she enters the kitchen and starts looking through the differant cupboards.

The camera then changes into a steady hand cam and is from the killers point of view as he enters the room behind Naomi as she sits at the computer.
Sheis shown being dragged from behind and the male watching her on webcam can be seen wih a horrified reaction.

Becky then walks towars the comuter room and as she does the killer can be seen coming behind her. She is finally seen being dragged from behind and her screams can be heard.

The screen sharply goes black and blank. The tile of the film then appears being typed in white font. Her screams continue into this frame.